Native to North America
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Koeleria macrantha is a clump forming tufted perennial bunch grass. Leaves are medium green and erect. Foliage is medium green, and flowers a light green, which fade to a wheat color. This grass prospers in sunny sites with disturbed or poor infertile soils.
HABITAT & HARDINESS: This pioneer species is common throughout much of the United States, Europe and Asia. It grows best in cool summer areas or it will go summer dormant. Areas with high summer temps and humidity should be avoided.
Excellent for restoration projects as it will self-seed readily. For the same reason, not recommended for the formal landscape or clay or wet soil.
Koeleria macrantha is indigenous to abandoned fields, early and mid-successional prairies, disturbed roadsides, railroad rights-of-ways, pastures, exhausted mined land, and barren waste areas.
Hardy from USDA Zones 3 to 9.
Juglone tolerant, dry rocky soil tolerant and air pollution tolerant.